Using remote PowerShell commands is a great way to manage servers.
I have been spending more time using Windows 2012 Server Core which makes using
remote tools essential. Instead of connecting using Remote Desktop, I try to do
everything using PowerShell remotely. In this post, I will show off some
extremely basic remote PowerShell commands, Enter-PSSession
Let’s start with a simple command:
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName 'Target'
This amazing command uses your current PowerShell prompt to run PowerShell
commands interactively on the remote computer, “Target”. When you
are done type exit
. With this command you now have the complete
might of a fully operational PowerShell!

You can run single or multiple commands using
. Unlike Enter-PSSession
, this command is not interactive
and will still stream results back to your current prompt. This is great for
one line commands like restarting IIS on the remote server “Target”:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName 'Target' -ScriptBlock { iisreset }
Remote commands are allowed by default on Windows Server 2012 and beyond.
On older operating systems you can run Enabled-PSRemoting -Force
an Administrator PowerShell prompt on the target machine to enable remoting. You can
then test the connection by running the following from another computer:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName 'Target' -ScriptBlock { echo 'hello' }
There are many other commands which natively support remote operations.
These commands will often have a ComputerName
parameter. You can see a list
of commands with the ComputerName
parameter by using:
Get-Command -ParameterName 'ComputerName'
Among my favourites is Get-EventLog
. It is a great way to look at messages
from a remote server without ever leaving the terminal. This example
retrieves, formats and displays the last 5 error messages from the remote
server “Target”:
Get-EventLog -ComputerName 'Target' -LogName 'Application' -Newest 5 -EntryType 'Error' `
| Format-List TimeWritten, Message `
| more
I hope you liked this mini intro to PowerShell remoting. Now go run some commands!