Crafting Code with C#

Reading time ~9 minutes

In this post. I am going to go show how to use the keywords in C# to restrict your code and help you intentionally craft your APIs. While you can apply the same ideas to external APIs, I will focus on backend C# code here. The following examples are inspired by our code to highlight different techniques we use to achieve the exact code behaviour and visibility we want.

A simple example: A Factory

Let’s try a simple example. If you have a factory class the class being created can be made internal instead of public. Here is what you do NOT want to do:

public class WidgetFactory {
    IWidget Create() {
        return new CoolWidget();

public class CoolWidget : IWidget {

If CoolWidget is public then why would you need the factory? People could start calling the class directly which would make the factory unnecessary. With other classes directly using CoolWidget changing the constructor, dependencies or creating a different class in the factory are all breaking changes.

Instead, CoolWidget should be internal! Much better. The factory cannot be bypassed.

internal class CoolWidget : IWidget {

Hide Internals: A Worker Class

Doing work in classes can get complicated. I looked through a whole bunch of our code and found we often use private methods for doing little bits of work.

We have worker classes for processing queued work which then send callbacks indicating the work is done or has failed. Within the class, there was a handy method for sending callbacks. The helper method would format the callback URL and other parameters then use other classes to actually send the callback.

public class Worker {
    public void Process( WorkItem work ) {
        SendCallback( work.CallbackUrl )

    public void SendCallback( Uri url ) { ... }

The sample above shares too much. Why would SendCallback be public? It doesn’t fit with Worker’s purpose: processing work items. The method is only used by Worker and is nicely isolated to the class. Since we would never want other classes using the method, it should be private!

public class Worker {
    private void SendCallback( Uri url ) { ... }

Much better. Had we left this method public it could accidentally be used. Keeping it private allows it to continue to evolve separately from the API of Worker.

Sounds good, right? There is a catch, testing these methods is harder. You can’t test them as easily because they are now private. Instead, you need to test them indirectly through the inputs/outputs of other methods or using their behaviours. If the logic is really complicated you might want to move it into separate classes and interfaces.

In the example above we have separated sending the callback into a different class. This lets us test the Worker and sending callbacks separately. The logic for sending callbacks is consolidated in the dedicated class. The private method in Worker is still useful and allows us to prepare the Payload to be sent. The resulting helper classes look like this:

internal interface ISender {
    void SendCallback( Uri url, Payload payload );

internal class Sender {
    void SendCallback( Uri url, Payload payload ) { ... }

This lets us keep the logic testable and the external API small. There are now more classes which might make the code more complicated.

We intentionally keep these helper classes internal. While they are useful on their own, they have been created for use only within this assembly. Right now we don’t think anyone else would want to send their callbacks the same way. Due to this we have left them out of the public API until we are proven otherwise.

Inheritance: Family Planning

Controlling inheritance is useful. Most developers I work with avoid using it like the plague due to issues they had in the past. Composition over inheritance is not only recommended, it is enforced by marking most classes as sealed:

public sealed class CantTouchThis { ... }

Marking classes as sealed prevent the class from being inherited. This stops inheritance abuse. To be honest, I think it is overkill since there are very few cases where you need to explicitly block inheritance. More often than not you don’t have to worry about it. People don’t willy nilly start inheriting from classes when none of the methods can be overridden and there are no protected fields.

Inheritance: Template Class

I think base classes can be useful when used correctly. I use them to setup template methods or share common/optional functionality. This isn’t a technique I use too often. I like to treat it as yet another code design tool.

To enforce the purpose you envisioned for your base classes, I recommend using abstract classes and methods. This keyword ensures your desired methods must be implemented by child classes. The base class itself cannot be instantiated which further clarifies its purpose as a base class.

public abstract class TaxesCalculatorBase {

    public decimal CalculateTaxes() {
        decimal multiplier = GetTaxesMultiplier( totalIncome );

    protected decimal abstract GetTaxesMultiplier( decimal totalIncome );

public sealed class FlatTaxesCalculator : TaxesCalculatorBase {

    protected override GetTaxesMultiplier( decimal totalIncome ) {
        return 0.05;

public sealed class ProgressiveTaxesCalculator : TaxesCalculatorBase{

    protected override GetTaxesMultiplier( decimal totalIncome ) {
        if( totalIncome > 75000) {
            return 0.15;
        } else if( totalIncome > 50000) {
            return 0.12;
        } else if( totalIncome > 25000) {
            return 0.08;
        } else
            return 0.05;

The TaxesCalculatorBase is an abstract class with the template method CalculateTaxes which uses the abstract GetTaxesMultiplier method. Classes inheriting from TaxesCalculatorBase must implement the required methods and can do so however they like. To prevent the hierarchy from growing out of hand, you can optionally mark the child classes as sealed.

Another usage of base classes is implementing common or optional functions. I used this recently to make optionally implementing part of an API easier. The class had a method to return an IEnumerable. The default implementation in the base class returns an empty list. When the team was ready we could update the child classes one at a time to provide the new functionality.

public abstract class ExampleProviderBase {
    public virtual IEnumerable<IExample> GetExamples() {
        return Enumerable.Empty<IExample>();

All Action: Helper Classes

Every now and then we have helper classes with only methods and no state. Stateless classes can be made static to prevent them from being instantiated or having instance variables added. If you had a helper classes for Uri’s it might look like this:

internal static class UrlHelpers {
    public static Uri FormatUri( Uri baseUrl, string route ) { ... }

    public static Uri TruncateUri( Uri baseUrl ) { ... }

    public static Uri SomethingCoolWithAUri( Uri baseUrl ) { ... }

The static constraint helps the class stay stateless and cannot be instantiated. Having the class be static ensures all the methods must also be declared as static.

Manage state: Immutable Classes

I think it is worth the minor effort to control whether fields/properties can be modified. Limiting the number of ways data can be modified and passed around can help highlight the right way to use your classes. The extreme version of this are immutable classes which cannot have their values changed and must be fully initialized when they are created.

In this simple example, I have made a Person class which is immutable. There would be other classes for retrieving and updating the data. Anyone trying to create a Person must provide the necessary value at creation time. This is a great opportunity to validate any inputs to prevent invalid objects from being created.

internal sealed class Person {
    public string FirstName { get; private set; }
    public string LastName { get; private set; }

    public Person( string first, string last ) {
        FirstName = first;
        LastName = last;

You can take this even further if you would like. I used properties to make writing FirstName and LastName easier. You can just as easily use readonly to force the fields to be initialized inside the constructor. This allows the compiler to enforce keeping the class immutable.

internal sealed class Person {
    private readonly string m_firstName;
    private readonly string m_lastName;

    public string FirstName { get { return m_firstName; } }
    public string LastName { get { return m_lastName; } }

    public Person( string first, string last ) {
        m_firstName = first;
        m_lastName = last;

In C# 6 readonly fields become even easier thanks to getter only properties. This is the same as the first example except for the missing private set on the properties. Like the second example, the compiler will again ensure the properites are not modified outside the constructor.

internal sealed class Person {
    public string FirstName { get; }
    public string LastName { get; }

    public Person( string first, string last ) {
        FirstName = first;
        LastName = last;

Another great immutability technique is to create a new object with every operation which would otherwise modify the current object. Great examples of this approach are the DateTime and string classes:

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
DateTime future = now.AddDays( 2.5 );

if( now == future ) {
    Console.WriteLine( "The future {0} is different than now {1}", future, now );

string example = "Hello World";
string updated = example.Replace( "l", "" );

if( updated == "Heo Word" ) {
    Console.WriteLine( "The example phrase was updated!")

Immutable classes strongly affect how users interact with them. They can reinforce readonly parts your API and highlight how you want data to be updated.

Generics: A Different Animal

Generics are an extremely powerful way to stay flexible while remaining strongly typed. Adding constraints to generic parameters, ensure the types used with your class match your expectations. If nothing else I find the constraints are a fun way to strictly enforce strong typing.

// T is both an Exception and has a default constructor
public class ExceptionThrower<T> where T: Exception, new() {}

// Using generics to keep callers type safe
public static class Cloner {
    public static IEnumerable<T> For<T>( T original, int n )
        where T : ICloneable {

        for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
            yield return (T)original.Clone();

// Fun with generics to create type safe factories
public interface IFactory<T> where T : class {
    T Create();

public class DefaultFactory<T> : IFactory<T> where T: class, new() {
    public T Create() {
        return new T();


I hope you enjoyed these examples showcasing the C# keywords and how you can use them to create the exact API you want. I believe it is important to intentionally limit the surface area of your API by restricting how your classes can be used and the properties/methods they expose. Carefully crafting your API should make future maintenance easier.

Fun with Generics

I decided to move this to the footer. I have been known to abuse generics in the past. Here is some fun code which has constraints against multiple types. This ensures stronger types throughout the API. Within the class, less restrictive types are used to avoid needing a common interface for the inputs.

I would discourage using this particular class in your code. Use a DI container like Autofac instead.

public class FactoryCollection {
    private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> m_factories =
        new Dictionary<Type, object>();

    public void Add<TDependencyType, TFactoryType>( TFactoryType factory )
        where TDependencyType : class
        where TFactoryType : IFactory<TDependencyType> {

        m_factories[typeof(TDependencyType)] = factory;

    public void Add<TDependencyType, TFactoryType>( TFactoryType factory )
        where TDependencyType : class
        where TFactoryType : IFactory<TDependencyType>, new() {

        Add<TDependencyType, TFactoryType>( new TFactoryType() );

    public void Add<TDependencyType>()
        where TDependencyType : class, new() {

        Add<TDependencyType, DefaultFactory<TDependencyType>>(
            new DefaultFactory<TDependencyType>()

    public bool TryCreate<TDependencyType>( out TDependencyType result )
        where TDependencyType : class {

        Type type = typeof(TDependencyType);
        if( !m_factories.ContainsKey( type ) ) {
            result = default( TDependencyType );
            return false;

        IFactory<TDependencyType> factory = (IFactory<TDependencyType>)m_factories[type];
        result = factory.Create();
        return true;

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