It wasn’t always easy for us to promote our code. Releases were deadlocked and our clients were not confident about they would work. This first part outlines the status quo before we started to change our release process. This is our story about how over the course of a few weeks we were able to go from a system with little confidence to smooth regular updates that became downright boring.
SERIES: Deploys Becoming Boring
If you like this post, I would highly recommend reading the series in order so that you can get the full story.In The Beginning
We started our project with large releases. This was not how we wanted it to be but it was how things ended up. Promoting each release turned into a serious event whenever the deployment window opened up. We had all the ceremony, fear and pressure to make our dates that are cited as delivery anti-patterns by the Continuous Delivery book.
… quick hacks to get newly deployed production systems running weren’t being driven by such immediate commercial imperatives, but rather by the more subtle pressure to release on the day that was planned. The problem here is that releases into production are big events. As long as this is true they will be surrounded with a lot of ceremony and nervousness.
Page 20 of Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble and Dave Farley
Our software worked as advertised but had intermittent issues for some clients. This discouraged these clients from taking new releases. This caused a catch-22 prevented us from releasing new version that fixed the issues which made problems worst and meant issues went unsolved longer. Other software used with our continued to change in ways that forced us to create small forks in the code to add new functionality against the old releases instead of shipping a new fixed version. Needless to say these forks were not what we wanted to do long term and were a stop gap for our clients.
Many problems centered on environment instability. Our favourites were running out of disk space or IP addresses that would prevent the running system from continuing to function. We had one big set of hardware for every environment and so any misbehaving environment would take resources from its neighbours. This was particularly troublesome with our Dev, QA and Certification (Cert) environments which received updates sequentially and failing in one environment prevented progressing to the next one. Our clients who cared the most about QA and Cert would be impacted when Dev is running larger tests that take lots of resources.

Another unfortunate consequence of sharing infrastructure between environments was normal changes could have unintended side effects. Dev, QA and CERT are internal environments and do not have formal change management processes. Reconfiguring a network in QA might break Dev. Routine cleanup could remove important records for a neighbouring environment. These open changes further reduced our stability and reliability.
Early in the development process small groups of developers on our team were able to work together on individual services that compose the overall system. While this was great for getting things done at the beginning of the project it formed mini silos around each service. Deploying new versions would mean getting the original developers to work their magic and ship the new update.
We had competing goals with some of our clients. They needed stability whereas we needed to introduce and validate new functionality. Our ability to produce new tested software vastly out stripped the rate that it was being consumed downstream. We had been behaving like we could deploy changes the second they were done but this was not reality beyond the Dev environment. One of our clients described us as a rocket strapped to a steam engine.

We wanted to do better. We wanted to break this deployment deadlock and accelerate the rate at which we could release with confidence.
The Agreement
In order to speed up we realized that we first needed to slow down. Going as fast as we could was no good if clients did not receive our updates. Slowing down would also mean investing more into stability, testing and validation for each change which would improve the feedback on each release.
After discussing how to improve the current situation decided we wanted to deploy as part of a normal cycle that would happen fairly often. For us the ideal was always immediately after a commit has passed through normal testing but given our track record that remained a dream. We wanted a speed that would make things routine, provide feedback early/often and stretch the organization to achieve it by being faster than the norm but not too painfully fast.
There is a common agile adage that “if it hurts, do it more often”. By feeling the pains in our release process we would learn firsthand what our biggest hurdles were and it would force us to address them head on. Bottling up changes in large releases months away meant we could work around them or accept subpar work instead of dealing with the root cause.
We wanted to improve the confidence in our releases. We thought the easiest way to rebuild confidence would be to have fewer issues and provide more opportunities for validation. The defects experienced by our clients were a big issue for them and were a focal point of our conversations together. Improving our consistency and quality was naturally an imperative.
We had been using Deployment Pipelines to validate our software as we built it. This helped us feel confident that we could ship more frequently and improve quality at the same time. What was lacking in this feedback loop were tests that could prevent the types of defects being reported.
In order to reduce the ceremony around releases we wanted to change how they were documented. We had been trying to be very lean by including little to no documentation but we were being asked for extensive manuals and walkthroughs. We felt that there was a workable compromised somewhere in the middle. We thought that clear and transparent communication would help improve our relationship.
With our clients, we then struck the following agreement to improve the situation and enable us to ship:
- Regular Weekly Deployments
- More Testing
- Documented Changes
In the next instalment we will explain how the story unfolds and what changed to get better at releasing with confidence.
I would like to thank Michael Swart, Matt Campbell and Bogdan Matu for helping review this and several other early posts.