Deployments are now longer an event. Routine has taken over. We like this stress free future we have built. We can now sit back to see where we are and choose where want to go next.
SERIES: Deploys Becoming Boring
If you like this post, I would highly recommend reading the series in order so that you can get the full story.Routine Again
It has now been almost half a year of doing weekly updates and they have blended into our usual routine. What was once a scary proposition has become common place. Each good update reinforces a cycle of success that continues to build confidence and trust. We no longer need days to deploy updates using a process known to only a few team members; instead anyone can release an update in minutes with a single button. Our deployments are no longer big events thanks to how often they are practiced successfully.
After you have deployed a complex system for the fiftieth or hundredth time without a hitch, you don’t think about it as a big event any more.
Page 130 of Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble and Dave Farley
Our testing and release management have helped us create better releases. Now when a defect is found it is unusual and often can be mitigated or rolled back. Fixes can be easily introduced, tested and shipped instead of hindering our clients for weeks. There are no forks of the codebase and all our momentum is directed forward. We have been able to sustain rapid development for months and continue to evolve the entire system safely.
Environmental issues are infrequent and less impactful. We know well in advance if there maybe issues in the future and can address them proactively. Working together with our clients we understand what is happening in the environments and can accommodate larger changes. Environments do not impact each other with regular activity.
The biggest change has been how our stakeholders view the whole process. Once apprehensive about updates they have now become some of our biggest advocates. Lately, they have wanted changes faster than ever before. They trust our Deployment Pipeline to validate small changes and are willing to accelerate. The way we work together and talk about what is happening are night and day from low confidence before to fully supporting each other now.
Instead of being a rocket strapped to steam engine we used to be, we are much closer to being finely meshed gears working together to ship new releases.

Our clients who were most resistant to change we have started to collaborate on larger projects together. Savvy members of their team have sent pull requests and other patches to smooth out their workflows. Not only are the fixes we are doing for them making the process go smoother they are adding new functionality to address their needs where we have not been able to. This is very exciting and I hope we can continue to encourage this behaviour.
To build on our success it is time for the next step.
It should be possible to deploy a single change to production through the deployment pipeline with the minimum possible time and ceremony. The release process should be continuously evaluated and improved, identifying any problems as close to the point at which they were introduced as possible.
Page 130 of Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble and Dave Farley
We want to take our continuous deployments in the Dev environment and start doing the same thing in our QA environment. We have discussed shipping each change as soon as they are ready through the various environments. This will eliminate large wait times for fixes while also allowing us to have smaller and safer releases. This is all thanks to our new level of confidence and collaboration.
Our future looks promising and we will continue to iterate on our problems. We have come a long way since we first started but there are still more opportunities. Simple changes will be able to ship much faster and be useful right away. With more effort we can achieve the bare minimum required to ship any change. Defects can be fixed faster. Features done more safely. Our software can keep evolving.
I would like to thank Michael Swart, Matt Campbell and Bogdan Matu for helping review this and several other early posts.