A standard unit testing pattern is Arrange, Act and Assert or AAA. As an Exterminator, I have been spending lots of time reading and writing unit tests. It is critical to clearly show what is being validated by each unit test. Duplication between tests is tolerable to improve readability.
I want to write easy to understand tests. Each test should have enough context so you can learn what it is testing by reading little more than the test body. You shouldn’t need to read the entire file or many surrounding functions to learn what is being tested.
AAA Recap
The ideal for me would be to have all of the tests follow the AAA pattern. In case you don’t know what AAA is here is a brief description from the c2 wiki:
- Arrange all necessary preconditions and inputs.
- Act on the object or method under test.
- Assert that the expected results have occurred.
Nothing to crazy here. Sticking to these simple sections clarifies your tests dramatically. When tests violate this pattern they look like they don’t belong. The AAA pattern has several benefits, including highlighting what is being tested by separating it from the setup and assertions.
To make it all crystal clear, here is a simple test following the AAA pattern:
public class HashSetTests {
public void Add_NewValue_ReturnsTrue() {
HashSet<int> hash = new HashSet<int>();
bool added = hash.Add( 1 );
Assert.IsTrue( added );
It is pretty clear I am testing HashSet<T>.Add( T item )
and the
setup/assertions used to verify the correct behaviour.
If that is not enough of a recap I would encourage you to read
“The fundamentals of unit testing : Arrange, Act, Assert” by
Mark Simpson. I found it while writing this post and it provides a more detailed
review of the concept. It also inspired the example above; although I think
is cooler than Stack<T>
Okay, now back to the post.
Trouble in Paradise
Maintaining clean AAA tests starts to break down for troublesome classes never design to be tested and growing duplication throughout the tests.
Thinking of how to test the untestable is a fun challenge. You need to approach the problem differently than most development. It is not all spoils of war and glory. Sometimes it downright nasty and feels worse than before. Too often mock objects are needed in order to pry classes apart.
Duplication throughout tests is hard to avoid. Groups of tests often have similar setup or assertions. This is inevitable when exercising multiple cases sharing common logic. As the tests grow it becomes important to reduce the complexity and duplication without obscuring what is being tested.
One extreme to maintain being able to glance at a test and know exactly what is doing would be to put all of the setup and logic required in the test itself. Down this road are madness and a monstrous unmaintainable mess. Many tests would be nearly identical and simple changes could easily break many tests as once.
Another extreme would be to extract all the setup or assertions into separate methods. While this cuts down on the duplication it becomes harder to see what each test is doing. Exactly what is happening becomes hidden behind the helper methods. I think there are approaches here that can work better and still reveal what the tests are validating. It is important to strike a balance so the tests have less duplication, but what is being tested is still apparent.
You can extract assertions or setup into methods, but it will ultimately make the tests just a little bit harder to follow. Using too many data driven tests will hide the setup from each test case. Mocks will bloat your tests and complicate the setup process. You are stuck in a hard place.
Double Down on AAA
With legacy code I think it is even more important to double down on making what is being tested clear by using the AAA pattern. The code is probably hard enough to understand on its own. Simple tests with easy to understand setup, actions and assertions are a good first step at breaking down challenging legacy code.
While thinking about the tradeoffs between reducing duplication and clean tests I found this phenomenal answer to “What does “DAMP not DRY” mean when talking about unit tests?” by Chris Edwards (edited by Ian Ringrose) on Stack Overflow:
It’s a balance, not a contradiction
DAMP and DRY are not contradictory, rather they balance two different aspects of a code’s maintainability. Maintainable code (code that is easy to change) is the ultimate goal here.
DAMP (Descriptive And Meaningful Phrases) promotes the readability of the code.
To maintain code, you first need to understand the code. To understand it, you have to read it. Consider for a moment how much time you spend reading code. It’s a lot. DAMP increases maintainability by reducing the time necessary to read and understand the code.
DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) promotes the orthogonality of the code.
Removing duplication ensures that every concept in the system has a single authoritative representation in the code. A change to a single business concept results in a single change to the code. DRY increases maintainability by isolating change (risk) to only those parts of the system that must change.
So, why is duplication more acceptable in tests?
Tests often contain inherent duplication because they are testing the same thing over and over again, only with slightly different input values or setup code. However, unlike production code, this duplication is usually isolated only to the scenarios within a single test fixture/file. Because of this, the duplication is minimal and obvious, which means it poses less risk to the project than other types of duplication.
Furthermore, removing this kind of duplication reduces the readability of the tests. The details that were previously duplicated in each test are now hidden away in some new method or class. To get the full picture of the test, you now have to mentally put all these pieces back together.
Therefore, since test code duplication often carries less risk, and promotes readability, its easy to see how it is considered acceptable.
As a principle, favor DRY in production code, favor DAMP in test code. While both are equally important, with a little wisdom you can tip the balance in your favor.
The tests I was reading and writing were too DRY and the meaning was being lost due to the heavy refactoring. DAMPer tests and strictly using the AAA pattern would have made the tests easier to follow and maintain. In this case tolerating more duplication so the tests make more sense is justified. Just don’t let the duplication sneak into your production code.
In several cases I went back with the original developer and worked with them to write more DAMP tests and really focus on keeping the AAA pattern. The tests were much easier to understand. Through the process we found a simpler way to implement the design and brought that back to the code. With the original tests I don’t think we would have seen this opportunity.
I tried looking at my own tests to make sure they showcased what was being tested. For some this mean better names or shifting how common setup was performed. In all cases I felt when tests aligned better with the AAA pattern they were easier to understand.
Your Turn
Unit testing can be great fun, prevent defects and grow your design. Using the AAA pattern effective will lead to better tests. Even though legacy code can make testing much harder I think it is well worth it.
I challenge you to write all of you tests using the AAA pattern. Stay DAMP and watch out when things get too DRY. I think you will like how much easier to understand your tests become.
I do not believe this is a derivative work or adaptation from the Stack Overflow answer quoted within the post. For this reason I have decided against licensing this blog post under a Share-A-Like license. If you think I have done this incorrectly please let me know and I will update this post accordingly.