Favour using and creating libraries over frameworks.
Over the past several months I have been trying to learn more from Daryl. He helped us track down the insidious PowerShell problem and is a phenomenal member of our team. I have learnt a great deal from him and feel the least I can do is write down what I have to learned and share it with you.
The project we are on has led to us to build many small applications. Since the problems we are solving are widely applicable to others at the company we have tried to make our solutions reusable. To achieve this goal, Daryl has been adamant that we write our components as modular libraries instead of custom frameworks.
This advice seemed counter intuitive at first, but the more we applied it the more I agreed with him.
The Past and The Present
For a long time Daryl was part of the team responsible for providing a unified framework for our core application. This framework provided the base functionality for almost everything. Likewise, I had written several internal tools as opinionated frameworks which would make building/deploying our application easier. You could unbox the build framework, plug in your settings and begin development with very little friction. Extension points were exposed to allow the frameworks to be extended or enhanced.
Today when we add new functionality, we have been trying to create small reusable pieces. Each addition is written as a library to be consumed as needed. Each library is focused on solving one concrete need; a single responsibility embodied in a library. These new libraries have been adopted throughout the organization. We have been able to extend and replace them as new challenges arrive. They are downloaded, integrated and used where they are considered useful.
Making the Choice
In both cases developers could be productive using or implementing either libraries or frameworks, but the solutions would be completely different. Your application fits within a framework whereas your application decides where a library would fit best.

Aside from very narrow frameworks, most frameworks tend to have wide implications on the applications they are used in. I have been really enjoying Nancy, a lightweight MVC web framework for .NET. Despite Nancy’s goal of simplicity, it constrains how your application is structured around it. Contrast this with the library Dapper, a simple object relational mapper for .NET, that has little impact to your overall application and lets you focus on the problem you are trying to solve.
The goal should be to solve a problem and not to use some piece of software. Using small interchangeable libraries lets you, the developer, choose the best tool for the job, whereas frameworks can restrict what choices you can make. As the application grew our framework became a barrier. It tried to do everything for everyone, but ended up limiting what could be done to only what was supported by the framework. All enhancements needed to occur in the frameworks which slowed down solving the actual problems.
When a library no longer solves the problem it was intended to solve, you can either updated it or replace it. This is not possible with a framework since your core application may be intertwined with framework specific dependencies or idioms. Like a two edge sword these dependencies constrain updates to both derived applications and the framework alike. Favouring light weight libraries reduces the dependencies on external tools which better isolates your application from future changes to the library and vice versa.
There comes a point where a simple library does not do enough or the domain is large enough that you need something more comprehensive. We use the .NET framework and web various frameworks for basic functionality and plumbing. This is where I think light-weight frameworks like Nancy really shine. They still do one thing really well, but what they do happens to be much larger. The way they do it can be less opaque and can allow you to change the parts which don’t work the way you need, i.e. changing Nancy’s JSON serialization conventions.
Wrapping Up
We will continue to favour using and creating libraries over frameworks. On our latest project we have found focusing on small purpose driven libraries has been very useful and avoided issues we have had with large frameworks. The flexibility and choice over how best to solve problems has helped us to be more productive. When approaching larger problems where a framework is appropriate, try to use one which is light-weight.
I would like to thank Daryl again for explaining the why behind his recommendations. We tried to find out where Daryl first heard about this idea but did not find it. In the process of searching we did find this great article which also highlights why you want to favour libraries over frameworks