Are you afraid of your deployments? Dread that moment when you hear your fellow employee deploying new code and they utter the phrase “oh no, this isn’t good”? It doesn’t have to be this way.
Perhaps the best way to reduce the fear of deployments is to have a good rollback plan. This is never a silver bullet but it can take the heat out of deployments that go poorly. If you don’t have a rollback plan people will do very silly things to get the system up and running again. This means cutting corners that may completely invalidate any testing you did for your application or make any outage worse.

(Who I am sure is doing good things to his computers)
With a recent system we were working on we decided that a good rollback was a priority for us and decided that there were four key properties we wanted:
- Automated
- Practiced
- Simple
- Reliable
To achieve these goals we decided on using the same process to deploy the application in reverse so that we could rollback to older versions. Since we deploy with every commit in our Deployment Pipeline we practice upgrading on every change. This means we also practice the process we need for rollback all the time so when it is needed in that moment of panic we are confident it will work. In order to deploy with every commit there could not be any manual steps; which meant we automated the entire process. This automation has made the rollback process very simple and since we use the same process on each build we are very confident it is reliable.
The Application
We decided to use Blue/Green deployments for our product. This is a very popular technique that can allow for zero downtime and lower risk deployments. The gist is that you change one piece of the application at a time by setting up the new version (green) beside the old version (blue) then switching traffic to the new version.
To deploy new application code our process looks like:
- Create a new server with the new code
- Test the new server
- Put the new server into the load and start serving traffic
- Take an old server out of the load
- Repeat until only new servers are left
BOOM!!!!, if something goes horribly wrong then:
- Put the old server into the load and start serving traffic
- Take the new server out of the load
The beauty of this is that switching between the new and old version is the same operation. There is nothing special about it. If you want to get fancier you can make changing the versions atomic to avoid serving traffic with both versions at the same time. If you want to watch or test your changes for a while to make sure they are safe you can switch a small percentage of traffic, a technique called Canary Releases. For us the overlap between versions is very small and the systems are simple enough to not need these enhancements.
The Database
Rollback gets a whole lot harder for systems that need to maintain state or have a database. For this we follow a similar pattern but have upgrade and downgrade migration scripts for our database.
For several applications we have decided to make the database changes backwards compatible with the previous application code and apply them prior to updating the code. This means that for complicated changes we need to perform them over several releases but this has seldom been a problem. We then ship the migration scripts with the application so that we always know what versions are compatible.
Our process typically looks like this:
- Make sure the application is healthy
- Upgrade the database
- Make sure the application is healthy
IT’S MELTING!, if things go bad then we quickly rollback:
- Downgrade the database
- Make sure the application is healthy
Both upgrade and downgrade (rollback) scripts and processes look roughly the same but typically use very different scripts because the database changes required are completely different. To make this easier for .NET we have been enjoying a library called FluentMigrator which makes writing your upgrades and downgrades really easy. If .NET is not your style there is always Active Record Migrations for an extremely popular framework for migrations. The frameworks understand what has/has not been applied to the database and the order that migrations need to run. This makes it simple to go from nothing to a complete database in minutes and rollback changes when needed.
We needed to plan so that all our migration scripts could run online. Most migrations are minor and don’t need a lot of effort. Where it starts to get much harder is when data needs to be migrated between tables or shifting large parts of the schema such as splitting/combining/killing tables. These are some successful strategies we have used to perform safe online migrations:
- Minor schema additions/changes that do not affect the old application
- Use triggers/database tools to replicate necessary data
- Leave the data/schema and migrate it with the next release
- Have the application tolerate the difference or do the conversion
- Write a more complicated migration that is safe online
For the last option a co-worker of mine, Michael J. Swart, had a fantastic series about doing migrations online using SQL Server called Modifying Tables Online. He walks through what initially looks like a simple change that turns into rebuilding a table by replicating the data to a new table then switching with the old table. If you really want to persevere through complicated online migrations I would highly recommend reading Michael’s post for some inspiration.
The Result
Having a strong rollback plan has changed the way we do releases. We have not needed it very often, but when we did it was a lifesaver. We are no longer live in fear of bad deployments and are confident we can get back to a working state quickly and easily.
With a little bit of planning and effort we now have a rollback plan that is:
- Automated
- Practiced
- Simple
- Reliable
What is your rollback plan?
I would like to thank Josh Groen for helping review this post.